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1934年 | Du Yongqiao was born in Dashi Village, Yuechi County, Sichuan Province;
1934年 | 生于四川省岳池县大石乡;
1951年 | He was enrolled into the Painting Department of Chengdu Art College;
1951年 | 考入成都艺术专科学校绘画科;
1953年 | With the nationwide adjustment in institutions of higher education, the Painting Department and Craftwork Department of Chengdu Art College were merged with the Fine Arts Department of Southwest People’s Art College into Southwest Fine Arts College, the predecessor of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, where Du Yongqiao continued his study;
1953年 | 全国高校院系调整,成都艺术专科学校绘画科、工艺科迁重庆与西南人民艺术学院美术系合并为西南美术专科学校(四川美术学院前身)。在该校绘画科继续学业;
1956年 | Upon his graduation, Du worked as a teacher in the Painting Department of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute;
His watercolor Performance of an Outstanding Worker won the second prize in the Youth Arts Exhibition of Sichuan Province; |
1956年 | 毕业留校,在绘画系任教;
水彩《先进生产者的表演》参加四川省青年美展,获二等奖; |
1957年 | Mr. Du’s engraving painting By the Brook was displayed at the International Exhibition of the 6th Peace and Friendship Festival for World Youth and Students held in Moscow, housed in the National Museum of the Soviet Union, and later published in lots of publications;
His engraving painting Night and a watercolor (name unknown) were selected for the 1st National Youth Arts Exhibition and the former won the third prize; He was transferred to teach in the Middle School Attached to Sichuan Fine Arts Institute; Du joined the Sichuan Artists Association; He was enlightened by watching a live painting demonstration of Максимов.K.M.(1913-1993) in school; |
1957年 | 版画《溪畔》参加在莫斯科举办的第六届世界青年与学生和平友谊联欢节国际展览,并由苏 联博物馆收藏,随后发表于多种刊物;
版画《夜》和一幅水彩(作品名称不详)参加第一届全国青年美展,《夜》获三等奖; 被调往美院附中任教; 加入四川美协; 在校内观摩一次马克西莫夫的写生示范,深得启发; |
1958年 | Du Yongqiao, in the political movement, was transferred to the countryside of Chongqing Nantong Mining Area and he had done manual labor there for half a year and got critically ill;
He contributed dozens of works to the Collection of Poems and Paintings About Hard Work during his designation for the Organization Department of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee to edit it; His comic strips Shuanghe Tree (co-painted with Shi Zhaozu) were published by Liaoning Publishing House; The engraving paintings Construction Site of Shizitan Power Station, By the River and By the Brook were selected as the exhibits at the 3rd National Exhibition of Engraving Paintings; |
1958年 | 干部下放,去重庆南桐矿区农村劳动半年,在当地病危;
被派至重庆市委组织部参加《劳动锻炼诗画册》的编辑工作半年,为该书创作画作数十幅; 连环画《双合树》(与施肈祖合作)出版(辽宁出版社); 版画《狮子滩工地》、《江边》、《溪畔》参加第三届全国版画展; |
1959年 | His engraving paintings By the Brook was compiled into the Selected Engraving Paintings in Recent Decade (published by Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House);
1959年 | 版画《溪畔》编入《十年来版画选集》(上海人民美术出版社);
1960年 | His engraving paintings Construction Site of Shizitan Power Station and By the Brook were compiled into the Selected Sichuan Engraving Paintings (published by Sichuan People’s Publishing House);
The engraving painting Morning at Steelworks was shown at the 3rd National Arts Exhibition; |
1960年 | 版画《狮子滩工地》、《溪畔》编入《四川版画选》(四川人民出版社);
版画《钢厂之晨》参加第三届全国美展; |
1961年 | Du Yongqiao’s engraving painting Early Spring of Chongqing was housed in Sichuan Artists Association after being shown at the Sichuan Fine Arts Exhibition;
The watercolor Friendship between China and Poland Remains Green Forever won the second prize in the Competition of Literature and Arts for Bilateral Friendship Between China and Poland; |
1961年 | 版画《山城春早》参加四川省美展,并由四川美协收藏;
水彩《中波友好万古长青》参加中波友好文艺比赛,获二等奖; |
1962年 | Du went to experience life in Ruoergai Prairie in a Tibetan area for half a year and produced over 100 oil paintings, watercolors and engraving paintings, such as Grassland and Fertile Soil, some of which were later published in different publications;
His comic strips Bridge of the Couple (co-painted with Yang Fang and Zhou Lin) were published by Sichuan People’s Publishing House; The engraving paintings Grassland and Early Spring of Chongqing was displayed at the 4th National Arts Exhibition; Du was married to Wang Jixiang; |
1962年 | 赴藏区若尔盖草原体验生活半年,其间创作《草原》、《沃土》等油画、水彩百余幅,随后发表于多种刊物;
连环画《夫妻桥》(与羊放、周琳合作)出版(四川人民出版社); 版画《草原》、《山城春早》参加第四届全国美展; 与王继湘女士结婚; |
1963年 | Du Yongqiao finished the watercolor Herding, oil paintings Herdsman and Snow-white Wool;
The watercolor Herding was published by Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House; The engraving painting Grassland was displayed at the 5th National Exhibition of Engraving Paintings; |
1963年 | 创作水彩《牧》和油画《牧人》、《雪白的羊毛》等作品;
水彩《牧》发行(上海人民美术出版社); 版画《草原》参加第五届全国版画展; |
1964年 | The engraving painting Grassland was edited into the Selection of Engravings in Modern China (English Version);
The watercolors Still Life, Morning on the Grassland and A Dock by the Jialing River were selected into the Selection of Watercolors (published by Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House); The watercolors First Light in the Morning was edited into the New Collection of Watercolors, II (published by Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House); The propaganda posters To Learn from Lei Feng to Be a Screw Spike That Never Rusts (co-painted with Wang Datong) and Driving the Old and New Colonialists out of Africa (co-painted with Wang Datong) were published by People’s Fine Arts Publishing House; Ten watercolors, including Street Market and Farming, were shown at the watercolor exhibitions in Sichuan and Hubei; The engraving painting By the Brook was housed in Sichuan Artists Association; Du Shuang, his daughter, was born; |
1964年 | 版画《草原》编入《中国现代版画选》(英文版);
《静物》、《草原之晨》、《嘉陵码头》等水彩编入《水彩画选辑》(上海人民美术出版社); 水彩《晨曦》编入《水彩画新辑•第二集》(上海人民美术出版社); 创作宣传画《学习***做一个永不生锈的螺丝钉》(与王大同合作)和《把新老殖民主义者 赶出非洲》(与王大同合作),并被发行(人民美术出版社); 《街市》、《耕》等10幅水彩参加四川、湖北水彩画联展; 版画《溪畔》由四川美协收藏; 女儿杜霜出生; |
1965年 | The engraving painting Grassland was housed in Sichuan Artists Association after being shown at the Joint Exhibition of Engravings of Six Asian Countries;
Du Yongqiao was designated to teach in No.29 Middle School of Chongqing for a year; |
1965年 | 版画《草原》参加亚洲六国版画联展,并由四川美协收藏;
被派往重庆29中代课一年; |
1966年 | And all the hundreds of works he had painted for years were labeled reactionary and confiscated;
He was divorced with Wang Jixiang; |
1966年 | “XXX”开始,停课。历年所有作品数百幅因先后受到抄家和被缴去参加“黑画展览”,遭到悉数洗劫;
与王继湘女士离异; |
1967年 | Du got married to Zhou Deyu;
1967年 | 与周德煜女士结婚;
1968年 | Du Fangxiao, his son, was born;
Suffering from a grave disease, Du Yongqiao was hospitalized; |
1968年 | 儿子杜方晓出生;
病重住院; |
1969年 | He went to labor on Army Farm 0022 in Tongliang County, Chongqing;
1969年 | 去铜梁0022部队农场劳动一年;
1970年 | He returned to Chongqing and was hospitalized again;
1970年 | 回重庆。病重住院;
1971年 | Du Yongqiao was transferred to Sichuan Fine Arts Institute along with all the teachers in the Middle School Affiliated to the Institute to teach in the Department of Painting;
1971年 | 随附中全体教师调回学院,到绘画系任教;
1975年 | Du carried out open-door schooling at Factory 431 in Ziyang, Sichuan, for around half a year with his students, all being workers, farmers or soldiers;
He was critically ill in Ziyang; |
1975年 | 带***学员去资阳431厂“开门办学”近半年;
在当地病危; |
1977年 | The oil painting For Later Generations (co-painted with Wang Datong and Zhang Shengxian), was selected for Sichuan Shuangqing Fine Arts Exhibition;
The oil painting To Yan’an was shown at the Sichuan Arts Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of Army Building; |
1977年 | 油画《为了千秋万代》(与王大同、张声显合作)参加四川省双庆美展;
油画《到延安去》参加建军50周年四川省美展; |
1979年 | The oil painting Footpath was shown at the Sichuan Arts Exhibition for the 30th Anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and published in various publications;
The gouache Tomb Sweeping Day was published by Sichuan People’s Publishing House; He was promoted to be lecturer; Du Yongqiao was converted to Buddhism in Baoguang Temple in Xindu County, Chengdu; |
1979年 | 油画《红岩小路》参加***四川省美展,并发表于多种刊物;
创作水粉画《清明》,并被发行(四川人民出版社); 评为讲师; 在新都县宝光寺皈依佛门; |
1980年 | Du painted twelve oil paintings for Chengdu Shuinianhe Mall;
In addition, he produced over twenty oil paintings and watercolors, some of which were published in the periodical Gallery; |
1980年 | 为成都水碾河商场绘制油画12幅;
创作油画、水彩共二十余幅,部分作品发表于期刊《画廊》; |
1981年 | His engraving paintings Construction Site of Shizitan Power Station and Early Spring of Chongqing (painted in 1950s and 1960s) were compiled into the Selection of Sichuan Engravings (published by Sichuan People’s Publishing House);
The oil paintings Still Life and Forest in Autumn and the watercolor Human Body were published in the periodical Gallery; Du went to Jiuzhaigou Valley to sketch from nature; He joined the China Artists Association; |
1981年 | 五六十年代创作的版画《狮子滩工地》、《山城春早》编入《四川版画选》(四川人民出版社);
《静物》、《秋林》等油画和《人体》等水彩发表于期刊《画廊》; 赴九寨沟写生; 加入中国美协; |
1982年 | Pond in the Rain, Reading in the Woods, Woods and other watercolors and gouaches were published in the periodical Gallery;
The oil painting Chongqing in the Rain was shown at the Exhibition of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute’s Works held in Beijing; Oil paintings Footpath and Golden Autumn were displayed at the Exhibition of Sichuan Oil Paintings held in Shenzhen; Du produced the Series of Chongqing, 14 pieces of oil paintings in all, which were featured in a program by the Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio; He was appointed to teach in the middle school affiliated to Sichuan Fine Arts Institute; |
1982年 | 《雨中池塘》、《林荫书声》、《树林》等水彩、水粉作品发表于期刊《画廊》;
油画《雨中山城》参加四川美术学院作品赴京画展; 油画《红岩小路》、《金秋》参加四川油画赴深圳画展; 创作系列油画《山城组画》14幅,并由中央新闻电影制片厂拍摄成专题片发行; 被派往附中任教; |
1983年 | Four oil paintings, including Sichuan Landscape and Returning, were shown at the Exhibition of Sichuan Oil Paintings;
1983年 | 《蜀乡风情》、《归》等4幅油画参加四川省油画展;
1984年 | Du produced the oil paintings Morning and Long Years, which were displayed at the Exhibition of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute’s Works held in Beijing;
The oil paintings Flower and First Light in the Morning were selected for the Exhibition of Sichuan Oil Paintings held in Hong Kong; He was transferred to teach in the Teacher Training Department of the Institute; |
1984年 | 创作《晨》、《千秋岁月》等油画,并参加四川美术学院作品赴京画展;
《花》、《晨曦》等油画参加四川油画赴香港画展; 被调往师范系任教; |
1985年 | The oil painting Long Years was housed by the National Art Museum of China;
Two pieces of his sketches of human bodies were edited into the Sketch Collection of China Higher Education Academy of Fine Arts (published by Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House); The watercolors Silent Lake and Fish and Fruit were selected into different volumes of Watercolors, a series of books about fine arts (published by Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House); |
1985年 | 油画《千秋岁月》由中国美术馆收藏;
人体素描两幅编入《中国高等美术学院素描集》(湖南美术出版社); 《静静的湖》、《鱼和水果》等水彩分别编入美术丛书《水彩》各辑(上海人民美术出版社); |
1986年 | The oil painting A Woman’s Body was edited into the Collection of Human Body Drawings of China Higher Education Academy of Fine Arts (published by Lijiang Publishing House);
Six watercolors, including Female Nude, Twilight and A Denmark Girl, were selected for the Exhibition of Sichuan Watercolors; The oil painting Farmhouse was shown at the Exhibition of Sichuan Landscape Paintings held in Gansu; |
1986年 | 油画《女人体》编入《中国高等美术院校人体习作选》(漓江出版社);
《女裸》、《黄昏》、《丹麦姑娘》等6幅水彩参加天府水彩画展; 油画《农舍》参加四川风情画赴甘肃画展; |
1987年 | The oil painting Human Body was compiled into Oil Paintings of Human Body (published by Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House);
The watercolor Herding was published in the periodical Gallery; Du was promoted to be associated professor; Du was divorced with Zhou Deyu; |
1987年 | 油画《人体》编入《油画人体》(四川美术出版社);
水彩《牧》发表于期刊《画廊》; 评为副教授; 与周德煜女士离异; |
1988年 | Du went to Hainan to observe the local sceneries and landscapes with his wife Zhao Qing;
He married Zhao Qing; |
1988年 | 偕赵清女士赴海南岛考察采风;
与赵清女士结婚; |
1989年 | The oil painting A Woman’s Body was compiled into the Special Collection of Oil Paintings by China Middle-aged and Young Painters (published by Lijiang Publishing House);
The oil painting God of the Sky River was displayed at the Sichuan Arts Exhibition for the 40th Anniversary of the founding of PRC; Du Yongqiao commenced to lead a reclusive life on the top of the Nanshan Mountain in Chongqing with his wife Zhao Qing; |
1989年 | 油画《女人体》编入《中国中青年画家自选集•油画专集》(漓江出版社);
油画《天河之神》参加***四川省美展; 携妻子赵清赴重庆南山顶开始隐居生活; |
1990年 | Collection World, a Hong Kong periodical, published a series of his oil paintings;
The oil painting Herding in the Morning was selected for the 1st Competition of Fine Oil Paintings in China; |
1990年 | 系列油画发表于香港期刊《收藏天地》;
油画《晨牧》参加中国首届油画精品大赛; |
1991年 | Du and his wife were converted to Buddhism as disciples of Master Qingding in Zhaojuesi Temple, Chengdu;
1991年 | 偕妻子赵清赴成都昭觉寺皈依清定上师;
1992年 | Du signed a contract with a businessman from abroad and all his finished painting works were “borrowed”;
Chinese Art, a periodical in Taiwan, published a series of his watercolors; His individual exhibition was held in Taiwan Yanhuang Art Museum by Taiwan Mountain Art Foundation for Culture and Education; He stayed in Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province for three months, painting from nature and finished over 20 oil paintings; His daughter Du Yimo was born; Du and his wife Zhao Qing participated in the lecture given by Master Zhaohui in Xiangshan Temple and Yunwusi Temple in Hanwang Town, Mianzhu County, Sichuan Province; |
1992年 | 与境外某商人签约,随即历年所有画作被其悉数“借”空;
系列水彩发表于台湾期刊《炎黄艺术》; 个人画展在台湾炎黄艺术馆举行(由台湾山艺术文教基金会举办); 赴江浙水乡采风写生三个月,完成油画二十余幅; 女儿杜怡默出生; 偕妻子赵清赴四川绵竹县汉旺镇香山寺和云雾寺听法照慧法师; |
1993年 | His biography was compiled into the Yearbook of Chinese Fine Arts: 1949—1989 (edited by the National Art Museum of China and published by Guangxi Fine Arts Publishing House);
He returned to the school after finishing the reclusive life for three and a half years on the mountain, during which time he produced over 100 oil paintings; |
1993年 | 生平成就编入《1949—1989中国美术年鉴》(中国美术馆编纂、广西美术出版社出版);
下山回校,结束三年半的隐居生活。其间共创作油画一百余幅; |
1994年 | A series of his oil paintings were published in the periodical Communication between China and Other Countries;
Du Yongqiao visited his hometown Yuechi County, Sichuan Province, again; |
1994年 | 系列油画发表于期刊《中外交流》;
重访岳池故里; |
1995年 | The oil paintings Water Village and A Winter Day were published in the periodical Contemporary Artists;
The watercolor Serenity was shown at the 1995 Hangzhou Watercolors Exhibition of China; The Collection of Du Yongqiao’s Paintings was published by Taiwan Mountain Art Foundation for Culture and Education; He was promoted to be professor; Du was retired; |
1995年 | 《水乡》、《冬日》等油画发表于期刊《当代美术家》;
水彩画《谧》参加95杭州中国水彩画大展; 《杜泳樵画集》出版(台湾山艺术文教基金会); 评为教授; 退休; |
1996年 | The watercolor Still Life won the silver prize of the First Watercolors Exhibition of China;
The oil painting Autumn Moon was selected for the Exhibition of Oil Paintings of 100 Oil Painters in Taiwan and the Mainland of China; His watercolors, Grassland and Still Life, were displayed at the Sichuan Arts Exhibition, with the latter winning the silver prize; The Joint Exhibition of Works of Du Yongqiao and His Student Luo Zhongli was held in Taiwan Yanhuang Art Museum by Taiwan Mountain Art Foundation for Culture andl Education; |
1996年 | 水彩《静物》参加中国首届水彩画艺术展,获银奖;
油画《秋月》参加海峡两岸油画名家百人大展; 水彩画《草原》、《静物》参加四川省美展,《静物》获银奖; 杜泳樵、罗中立师生作品联展在台湾炎黄艺术馆举行(由台湾山艺术文教基金会举办); |
1997年 | The watercolor Still Life was edited into Watercolor Art (published by Beijing People’s Fine Arts Publishing house) and into the Collection of Contemporary Chinese Fine Arts, Watercolors (published by People’s Fine Arts Publishing house);
The oil painting Table on Balcony was shown at the 2nd China Oil Paintings Exhibition of Still Lives; Two retrospective exhibitions of Du Yongqiao’s art were respectively held in Chengdu (Sichuan Art Museum) and Chongqing (Sichuan Fine Arts Institute); The one in Chongqing was sponsored by Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and the one in Chengdu was jointly-sponsored by Sichuan Artists Association, Chengdu Academy of Painting, and Sichuan Fine Arts Institute; The feature program, If God Falls in Love—Du Yongqiao and his Painting Art, was aired on China Educational Television and Chongqing TV-1 and - 2; |
1997年 | 水彩《静物》编入《水彩艺术》(人民美术出版社)和《中国现代美术全集•水彩卷》(人民美术出版社);
油画《阳台上的餐桌》参加第二届中国静物油画展; 杜泳樵艺术回顾展应邀先后在四川美术学院(由美院主办)和四川美术馆(由四川美协、四川美院、成都画院联合主办)举行; 电视专题片《天若有情——杜泳樵和他的绘画》在中国教育电视台和重庆电视一台、二台相继播出; |
1998年 | A series of oil paintings were published in the periodical Chinese Oil Painting;
To Mr; Du Yongqiao, an article of Wu Fan, was published in Artist Bulletin, a periodical of China Artists Association; Du was relocated to Chengdu; |
1998年 | 系列油画发表于期刊《中国油画》;
中国美术家协会《美术家通讯》刊载吴凡的文章《致杜泳樵君》; 迁居成都; |
1999年 | A series of his oil paintings and watercolors were published in the periodical Fine Arts;
The Collection of Du Yongqiao’s Oil Paintings was published by Southwest China Normal University Publishing House; Masters’ Fine Works:Still Lives and Flowers of Du Yongqiao, the collection of Du Yongqiao’s paintings, was published by Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House; The oil painting Wild Flowers was displayed at the 9th National Arts Exhibition; Taiwan Dunhuang Art Museum held his individual exhibition in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Hsinchu; |
1999年 | 系列油画、水彩发表于期刊《美术》;
《杜泳樵油画集》出版(西南师范大学出版社); 画集《名家精品:杜泳樵的静物•花卉》出版(四川美术出版社); 油画《野花》参加第九届全国美展; 个人画展在台北、台中、高雄、新竹相继举行(由台湾敦煌美术馆举办); |
2000年 | A series of his oil paintings and watercolors and An Interview with Du Yongqiao were published in Art Observation and Rongbaozhai;
2000年 | 系列油画、水彩及《杜泳樵访谈录》先后均发表于期刊《荣宝斋》和《美术观察》;
2002年 | Du Yongqiao paid a visit to Russia as a member of Chinese Painter Delegation;
Du and his wife Zhao Qing visited his hometown Yuechi County and the former residence on the Nanshan Mountain again; He was converted to Christianity; |
2002年 | 随画家访问团赴俄罗斯访问考察;
偕妻子赵清重访岳池故里及南山故居; 改信***; |
2003年 | He received baptism;
2003年 | 正式受洗;
2004年 | Top Ten Painters of China: the Collection of the Traditional Chinese Paintings of Du Yongqiao was published by People’s Daily Publishing House;
2004年 | 《中国实力派名家十杰:杜泳樵国画集》出版(人民日报出版社);
2005年 | The Series of Old Town was published in Chongqing and the World;
The feature program In the Silence: the Oil Painting Art of Du Yongqiao was aired on Sichuan TV; |
2005年 | 《古镇系列》等油画发表于期刊《重庆与世界》;
电视专题片《于无声处——杜泳樵的油画艺术》在四川电视台播出; |
2006年 | The watercolor Herding was shown at the Exhibition of Chinese Watercolors in 100 Years, and was selected into the Collection of China Watercolors in 100 Years (1905—2006) (published by People’s Fine Arts Publishing House);
Most of his painting works “borrowed” 14 years ago by a businessman from abroad were claimed back; |
2006年 | 水彩《牧》参加中国百年水彩画展,并编入《中国百年水彩画集(1905-2006)》(人民美术出版社);
14年前被境外某商人“借”走的大量画作,至本年已大部分被索回; |
2007年 | Du was critically ill;
The Retrospective Exhibition of the Art of Du Yongqiao’s Oil Paintings and Watercolors was co-held by Sichuan Artists Association and Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Sichuan Art Museum; Mr. Du Yongqiao produced his last oil painting work, Mourning, one month before his death; The Research Center of the Oil Painting Art of Du Yongqiao was set up in Sichuan Normal University; Mr.Du Yongqiao passed away a month after the Retrospective Exhibition; |
2007年 | 病危;
杜泳樵油画水彩艺术回顾展在四川美术馆举行(由四川美协和四川美院联合主办); 作油画绝笔《丧》; 杜泳樵油画艺术研究中心在四川师范大学成立; 画展后一个月辞世; |